Rav Dudi Winkler studied at Yeshivot in Eli and Dimona and received Semicha from the Meretz Kollel. He served as a combat medic in the IDF, and then, after many years dedicated to learning, began teaching at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. In 2011, he and his family went on shlichut to Melbourne, Australia where Rav Dudi spent three years as Rosh Kollel of the Mizrachi Bet Midrash. Upon their return to Israel last year, Rav Dudi resumed his post as rebbe at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah and took on an additional role as inaugural director of Lev LaChayal, the Yeshiva Center for Lone Soldiers of the IDF.
Determining and Defining Pikuach Nefesh
July 28th, 2015 in Halacha / Jewish Law, Machshava / Jewish Thought
Is it Possible To Have A Third Churban?
July 23rd, 2015 in Machshava / Jewish Thought, Fast Days